Re: Transport (VMDB) error -14: Pipe connection has been broken
I had this error message occur this morning running VMware 5 and Windows 7. I followed the tip to remove the filetypes noted (2 of the 3 types noted were there and then, manually edited the .vmx file...
View ArticleRe: VSA Hardware
If the Smart Array P420i RAID controller is on the HCL for VSA then any server with this controller will work. You also need to ensure the RAID type 5, 6 or 10, and the number of disks 4, 6 or 8, are...
View ArticleRe: Rollback ESXi 4.1 from vCenter 5.1 to vCenter 4.1
First thank's for this quick answer ;-)The only thing what will be upgraded at the moment ist vCenter Server. We need to check first that all admins can login and no other errors appear.So i think we...
View ArticleRe: metric Needed
No error The metric creates with the following values count($RK22:A2838)/1024count(Folder: Datastore|Disk|Total Usage Rate(KBps))/1024 Everything saves correctly, I attached it to the Folder object for...
View ArticleRe: Rollback ESXi 4.1 from vCenter 5.1 to vCenter 4.1
What I've forgotten - the used DB for vCenter Server 5.1 is a clone of the actually vCenter 4.1.
View ArticleRe: Duda con instalacion de vcenter Adicional
Para el caso de usar SRM no te lo recomiendo.Si vas a usar SRM, deberías tener un vcenter y un db server por cada sitio. SldsDiego Quintana
View ArticleVMware ESX cannot synchronize with the disk before canceling.
Hi,I've Esxi 5.0When I try to create a snapshot in my Vm(Win server 2003), I had this event :VMware ESX cannot synchronize with the disk before canceling. Disk...
View ArticleUpdate: Howto add custom properties to redhat linux vm after "Clone, Linux...
With the new vCO Version 5.1 there is no vix plugin anymore. We found that this feature is now buildin with vCO. Entry point for this new API is...
View ArticleRe: Best Practice Setting up VNXe 3150
Everything here is mostly still true:
View ArticleVMWare Player 3.1.6
I run CentOS 6 on 32 bit machines and hence I can't install newer versions than VMWare Player 3 as the newer versions require a newer processor. Now, there is the problem with vmmon.ko and there are...
View ArticleRe: VMware ESX cannot synchronize with the disk before canceling.
How did you create the VM? Did you upload it from a hosted product like VMware Workstation? It looks like the VM uses an unsupported virtual disk format. Please download blaptlsfra02.vmx,...
View ArticleRe: VMware ESX cannot synchronize with the disk before canceling.
... how much free disk space do you have on the datastore? André PS: Discussion moved from VMware vCenter™ Server to VMware ESXi 5
View ArticleRe: can't power on VM after enabling VR
in windows it is 1.99 TB and in vsphere it is 2 TB. I know about the limit but believe i am at worst 32 GB under it.
View ArticleRe: VMWare Player/Workstation crashing Windows 8 Pro Host on boot
Ok. So I did some additional research on this issue. This is leaving me stumped as to why but I did the following. Booted into Safemode --> Success (note no Networking)Disabled as much VMWare...
View ArticleRe: Balooning taking out high memmory
Configured memory : 4 GBLimit: 512 MBThis is bad. You are, in fact, lying to the operating system, telling it you have 4GB of memory when you only have 512MB. You will NEVER get 4GB of physical...
View ArticleRe: Change root password on ESXi 5 host in vSphere Cluster
Would you recommend just changing the ESXi hosts' password & leaving it at that knowing that if something "strange" happens in the future it just needs to be reconnected or change the password...
View ArticleRe: Rollback ESXi 4.1 from vCenter 5.1 to vCenter 4.1
I'm not sure about cloning the database to be honest. Whenever I have upgraded /migrated between versions its usually quick and easier to recreate the settings manually unless you have a crazy sized...
View ArticleLearing ESXi 5... how to view o/s on a workstation
Hi Everyone, Learning how to setup vmware esxi 5.0 server at home, and all is good so fare.Iv;e got 2 images loaded and running (SuSE Linux and a Windows 7)I've downloaded the vmware view client and...
View Articlevmware cloud Iaas latest dumps.
if anyone have vmware cloud Iaas latest dumps..? can send to my email
View ArticleRe: Learing ESXi 5... how to view o/s on a workstation
Welcome to the Community, I'm afraid you are missing a couple of steps to run VMware View. Please take a look at e.g....
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