Re: vCenter Migration
Hi Mario, We're looking at Intel Xeon X series and Intel Xeon E5 series processors, so the EVC baseline shouldn't need to be set too low.We can afford some downtime. I assume similarly with editing a...
View ArticleRe: Sugerencias RAID + buenas práctivas
Hola Con iscsi, dale todo el ancho de banda de red que puedas, incluso en tengiga si es posible.Raid 1 en una lefthand (p4000) es lo aconsejable porque así reparte la carga entre 2 nodos distintos,...
View ArticleUpdates are not visible in Update UI after mounting ISO images and logs...
We uses VAMI CIM instances for update and use certificate based authentication to connect to CIM server. These certificates are generated at first boot of the appliance under the /opt/vmware/etc/sfcb...
View ArticleRe: кластер HA FT на workstation 9 ?
Тут уже много раз обсуждалось - "профит" от использования ФТ весьма сомнительный.. 1. Ограничения накладываемые ФТ не позволяеют что-то серьезно развернуть2. Проблемы внутри машины так же вероятны,...
View ArticleRe: Use .vmdk from esxi 5.0 on esxi 5.1
"and vcenter is unable to handle esxi supervisor" - by this I meant that vMotion is unable to handle esxi supervisor (free version) which is my 5.0 host
View ArticleRe: кластер HA FT на workstation 9 ?
Спасибо за совет.Как раз работоспособность (1 и 2 пункты) я и хотел проверить на тестовом виртуальном стенде.3. а нагрузка выражается в обработке постоянного потока финансовых данных. она сама по себе...
View ArticleRe: Sugerencias RAID + buenas práctivas
Gracias por la información, la cabina que me han pasado oferta es una HP P2000 DC ISCSI 1GB LFF ¿como lo véis? no he trabajado con esta marca, pero el cliente es muy de HP y no puedo pasarle otra...
View ArticleRe: troubleshooting Storage performance Issue
Hi , Can you please explaing what sort of Storage issue you are facing ?
View ArticleRe: troubleshooting Storage performance Issue
Can you provide further information :- 1. What specific ESXi version are your Hosts and vCenter Server ? 2. How have you determined the performance issue ? Are any of your applications running in the...
View ArticleRe: Sugerencias RAID + buenas práctivas
Hola Si, la tengo pero de fibra (los mios son tambien muy hp)Te va a dejar hacer un raid 10 sin problemas, pero si es solo para virtualización y no hay bbdd lo que mas sentido tiene es un raid 5 con...
View ArticleRe: Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface : Cannot bind parameter...
Hi Try changing the following line - 2.$GuestInterface= Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface -VM testVM -GuestUser Administrator -GuestPassword pwd2345 | where {$_.Name -eq "Local Area Connection"}...
View ArticleRe: Update Manager 5.1 / HP depot not working
Can't get the Update Manager to download the feb2013 release. I'm stuck with oct2012. Another strange thing is: When I configure my Update Manager to download ESXi 5.1 Updates only, it won't doanload...
View ArticleUser access granularity to Organization vDC
Hi, We are using vCloud Director 5.1 and are just starting to add customers to this. While configuring Organization's and Organization vDC's I see the need to restrict access to different vDC's for...
View ArticleRe: кластер HA FT на workstation 9 ?
Ну, тогда FT - ваш выбор. Только тут надо понимать логику работы этой приблуды. На одном хосте крутится Примари машинка, на втором поднимается полностью идентичная Секондари копия. Машинки работаю такт...
View ArticleRe: vC05.1 Managing shut-down restart sequence priority for vms in workflows
Thanks I'll check that out it looks like a real time safer but won't that just help me find the vCO code to shutdwn a vm? I was more wondering about how to handle the logic about knowing which to...
View ArticleNetwork scripting to clone configuration
Hi all, I have to config a new vsphere 4.x, but I dont want to config by hand all networking configuration. is There any way to generate a script that could be modified a run in the new host. thanks,
View ArticleRe: Sugerencias RAID + buenas práctivas
Gracias nuevamente, tal como te he comentado, habrá un exchange, por lo que hay una base de datos bastante grande y según tengo entendido, RAID1+0 sería la mejor opción. Gracias!
View ArticleRe: Riconoscimento porte usb
Si è NTFS. Ho comunque provato a connettere la stessa pen drive da un altro pc e senza nessun problema si è connessa. Può dipendere dalle mie porte USB? Le porte sono 2.0 quindi in teoria non...
View ArticleRe: Esxi 5.1 pci passthrough broken
I opened a call with VMWARE and this is indeed not supported in 5.1. You will have to downgrade to 5.0 to acquire this functionality. The engineer that I worked with suggested that we complete a...
View ArticleRe: Network scripting to clone configuration
Hi Yes, theres a powercli script that should help you with this. Take a look at Thanks
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