Hi there,
we get an error on working with the output from createVirtualEthernetCardDvNetworkConfigSpec.
I want to build a workflow which allows to change any network card to a VMXNET3 network card with same settings and same portgroup. This workflow throws an error and so I tried the implemented simple action createVirtualEthernetCardDvNetworkConfigSpec which will do nearly the same but with a none VMXNET3 card. Here I will get the same error message, so I think there could be a general error?!
Error message:
Attribute xsi:nil not allowed on element spec, which is not nillable.
while parsing call information for method ReconfigVM_Task
at line 3, column 2
while parsing SOAP body
at line 2, column 1
while parsing SOAP envelope
at line 1, column 38
while parsing HTTP request for method reconfigure
on object of type vim.VirtualMachine
at line 1, column 0 (Workflow:wwi.test.changeNetworkCardSupport / Scriptable task (item5)#7)
actionResult = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vc.vm.spec.config.device").createVirtualEthernetCardDvNetworkConfigSpec(dvPortgroup,macAddress) ;var myDeviceChanges = new Array() ;myDeviceChanges.push( actionResult );var myVirtualMachineConfigSpec = new VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec() ;myVirtualMachineConfigSpec.deviceChange = myDeviceChanges;System.warn(VirtualMachine);VirtualMachine.reconfigVM_Task( VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec );
Can someone confirm the same error?
Thanks and regards,