My setup is the following:
Host: Windows XP 64bit SP2, on a dual Xeon E5130 CPU with 8GB RAM and NVidia Quadro FX3500 card
Guest: openSUSE 12.2, 32 bit
Hyper-visor: VMWare Player 5.0.1 build-894247
Guest Conf: 2vCPUs, 3GB RAM
Problem: Extremely slow KDE.
I run my openSUSE 12.1 from day 1 of it's release with reasonable speeds under VMWare Player 4 & 5.
The previous Friday, I decided to upgrade the openSUSE 12.1 to 12.2 via zypper.
Everything was fine, except of the speed and the unresponsive screen after a few minutes with sreensaver on.
First I thought that the problem was the stock KDE 4.8, so I upgraded to 4.9, the same version of KDE as I had in 12.1.
Both problems are important, and render my VM to a useless machine!
When I change active applications in KDE, I can see on the screen how the windows are paintedIt
It requires 1-2 seconds to render thetitle bar on a full screen application!
So, I need your help to find what option causes my PC to be that slow.
The second problem is much more strange. I can resume my KDE session a few minutes after the lock it. If I wait enough time (eg one hour), then, I cannot see anything on the VM!
Downgrading from 12.2 to (eg) 12.1 is not possible.
Please help me identify the problem and to solve it.
Thank you.