This is a bug and will be fixed in the next patch release (5.1.2)
buckmp wrote:
Morning all,
I'm new to Vcloud, i've been using Lab Manager for a while and am trying to eval Vcloud as a replacement. I've got everything running i believe correctly (not a fan of vsheild!!!!) but i'm having trouble with one thing.
We would use this setup as a training tool, and our courses use a virtual domain setup, so each studnet gets 5 VM's, a DC, App Server, workstaion etc etc, and they have been pre-configured with static IP, DNS, WINS etc. my problem is that no matter what setting i use in netowrking when i add the VM's from the Catalog to the vApp, the VM's eith get their IP changed by the Org VDC network DHCP or it keeps the IP as is shold but doesn't connect the NIC card.
Am I doing somethign stupid here, to be honest I've noe been looking at this for so long its starting to blurr what i've done am i'm doing things 2 ro 3 times.