I am wondering what the repercussions might be of shutting down our existing vCenter Server 4.1 vm, and installing a new vCenter Server 5.1?
I know we'll need to recreate the data center, clusters and resource pools and assuming we don't care about the logs will this cause a problem? When we attempt to add our hosts to the new vCenter will they complain that they're already being managed by another vCenter?
The reason I'm looking at doing this is to migrate from VC 4.1 to 5.1 in order to use SRM 5.1, but since we are not totally sure if what we want to do is possible (see my other post here:
) I don't want to upgrade only to find out it was for nothing. I'd rather just power my VC 4.1 machine down, create a new VC 5.1 and start fresh, provided I can easily go back to VC 4.1 later if I need to. The hosts are running ESXi 4.1 and are not on the HCL for anything newer.