I'm having a problem adding one of my hosts back into vcenter. When I try to connect through the vcenter console, the connection times out and an extra long error message appears here is the jist of it:
Unexpected exception reading HTTP response body: class VMACORE:: TimeoutException(peration timed out) with trace:...
Backtrace[00] rip 0000000 18013d40a (no symbol) x16
While parsing serialized value of type string at line 7, column 15873... lot of stuff about parsing, like systemhealthinfo..
The add host in Vcenter gets to about 80% then hangs.
I've tried just everything I know and what I found on google short of reinstalling esxi 5.0.
I followed links pointing to deleting snapshots, however the CLI commands provided did absolutley nothing in the way of showing me what the VM ID is:
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms this does not show up with anything
I've tried resetting the network settings, restarting the management agents, and reseting all network settings. I've checked the firewalls, routers, ironports, everything. I'm thinking this is a result of too many snapshots, but at this point I have no way of finding out what the vm ids are in order to delete a few.
can anyone please shed some light on this for me?? I've been at this for 3 weeks now and I'm out of ideas...