I've tried using the following command as indicated in the link you provided but I receive an error message.
The command I'm using is:
keytool - export -keystore /opt/keystore/ -alias http -file http.cer
Once I enter the password, the following error is shown.
"keytool error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Alias [http] MUST be known to the key store"
The original command I used to generate the keystore for http was this:
keytool -keystore /opt/keystore/certificates.ks - storetype JCEKS - storepass password -validity 365 -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias http
If I try to use the following command which includes the keystore filename, I see a slightly different error.
keytool - export -keystore /opt/keystore/certficates.ks -alias http -file http.cer
The error this time is "keytool error: gnu.javax.crypto.keyring.MalformedKeyringException: incorrrect magic"